We are proud to say that luxury goes along with ecology at our hotel. We are complying with green policies at every step from construction of the building to everyday operation. The architects and engineers implied all the modern environmentally friendly methods. Name it and we have it. To be more specific, there is a list of actions that proves our green consciousness.
- Solar heating system
- Green roofs
- Collection of rain water to reuse on site
- Grey-water recycling
- Thermal insulation of the building envelope (shell)
- High performance windows
- Extra insulation in walls
- Energy-efficient lighting – LED lights
- Inventor air conditioners
- Recycling of plastic, paper, cans, ink cartridges, batteries, cooking oil
- Non-toxic cleaning agents
It is our belief that by caring for ecology, we care for our guests more and deliver a healthier environment to them. In Skiathos Hotels Mystery we are open to any suggestions to improve ourselves in this field.