Planespotting is a modern hobby and Skiathos airport is the destination for this.
Skiathos airport is famous for being the Sint Maarten of Europe. The runway is very short, only 1.6 km long and narrow, whereas it is surrounded by sea. It is located at the north of Skiathos town next to the beach. Outside the airport, but right next to the runway, there is a small street, where the planes fly over. Many tourists gather at this area to watch the planes pass only a few meters above their heads. They are ready with their cameras and smart phones to film this and share it through the internet. They have created a hobby called planespotting. Numerous people visit Skiathos particularly for this reason to feel the jet blast and take a memorable video of a Boeing 757 pass just above their head. The busiest period for the airport is during July and August and especially Fridays, when numerous flights come from many parts of Europe and Skiathos hotels are fully booked.
These low height flights and the jet blast of the aircrafts can be really dangerous for people standing on their way. There have been reported over the years a few cases of people being blown away and knocked to the ground. Particularly children are at risk and those, who get really close ignoring the safety precautions. Definitely, actions should be taken, so as to protect viewers.
Skiathos Airport. The perfect spot for planespotting